Created by Humans
Content Policies
Effective Date: October 24, 2024
Last Updated: October 17, 2024
All Works and other content made available on the Platform must comply with all applicable federal, state, local and international laws, rules and regulations. In addition, Works and other content must not:
- promote or encourage any illegal or unlawful activities, including terrorism or terroristic acts or organizations;
- slander, defame, or libel any individual;
- violate any intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third parties;
- violate the legal rights (including rights of publicity and privacy) of any individual, including by not containing any individual’s personal information or data, including home addresses, social security or governmental ID numbers, credit card or financial account information, personal phone numbers, personal email addresses, personal signatures or other information or communications that would reasonably be expected to be considered as private or confidential in nature, without the individual’s express written consent;
- harass, abuse, threaten, menace or cruelly denigrate others or promote hatred, bigotry, discrimination on the basis of any protected class, abuse, violence or harm towards others or promote or encourage any of the foregoing.
- encourage or promote suicide or self-harm;
- be likely to deceive others, contain knowingly inaccurate, deceptive or fraudulent material, or misrepresent or disguise the source, identity, authorship or content of information
- exploit or encourage the exploitation of minors in any way, including by displaying, depicting or describing any minor in a sexual, violent or exploitative context, in a state of undress, or in a lewd, lascivious, or provocative manner.
- contain any pornographic or unduly lurid sexual imagery or otherwise be obscene or display, depict or describe unduly lurid, violate or gory images of sexual assault, violence, animal cruelty or bestiality. Erotic literature and other erotica are currently not accepted by CbH as Works; or
- contain any viruses, worms, malware, spyware, or other malicious or disruptive code and are not subject to any technological restrictions, password protections, encryption, or digital rights management technologies or restrictions.